Our service charges for the patent analysis
works start from U.S. $1,000.00, but they may be adjusted
through negotiation with our clients. Our
service charges for the patent analysis works are
changed in accordance with the coverage of search,
amounts of the relevant materials to be analyzed,
and the translations of the relevant materials,
if necessary. Extra fees may be billed for
urgent works.
The following fee schedules show our basic patent
analysis rates. Please note that the service
fees shown below are approximate.
We are always ready to receive your patent analysis
requests. Upon receipt of your instructions
on the patent analysis works, we will provide you
with our timely and reliable patent analysis services.
Please send us your instructions on the patent
analysis via the following e-mail or facsimile at
your earliest convenience.
(1) E-mail: webmaster@patrantech.com
(2) Fax: 82-2-581-2136
(3) Phone: 82-2-581-2135